Event of the Week: Holtwhites Sports & Social Club Evening of Comedy


Sports Club Hosts Comedy Night for Members

On the 28th of September, the Holtwhites Sports & Social Club hosted an “Evening of Comedy” for its members. Member Angela Micallef explained that the club is “home to five dedicated sports sections (Cricket, Tennis, Bowls, Football, and a Weightlifting Gym) all of which have healthy membership. We also have an active Social membership and will always offer new members the warmest of welcomes!” The comedy night was just one of the 3 or 4 events that the club hosts for its members throughout the year. Micallef explained that the events serve as “a chance for people to get together with friends and family and enjoy a “good night out”.  They also serve as fundraisers for the club with any profits from the ticket sales (and raffles) going straight back into the club.”

Three comedians performed that night, including Dominic Holland, Micallef said, “Holtwhites had a celebrity in the house!” The compere, or master of ceremonies, was a great addition to the night. Micallef said, “He also used to play Cricket at Holtwhites many years ago and quite a few people he knew turned up and he certainly made the most of that. There were lots of references to these people and old stories.”

In order to prepare for such a night, Micallef orders printed posters and flyers to advertise the event. They were put up around the clubhouse as a reminder. Micallef also said they repeatedly emailed members to purchase their tickets in advance. The club’s Facebook page was also used to remind members. Micallef said that word of mouth was key in gathering people. “As members bought their event tickets, they also told their friends about it.  As the tickets were available to purchase from behind the bar, we also reached people this way.  I actually think all of this combined contributed to the success of the evening. It was a sellout!” Micallef said.

The experience of planning the event was hard work, but definitely worth it to Micallef. “You are never sure if you’re going to get the turnout you want.  The only advice I can give is to ensure that you give people all relevant information and plenty of notice. The evening was such a success because of weekly reminders that were posted on Facebook and regular emails reminding people to buy their tickets. We also incentivized people to buy their tickets in advance—all pre-sold tickets went into a prize draw to win a case of wine,” Micallef explained.

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